The Firemen

It was suggested (by a liberal whom I love) that, because of my distain for Biden I must’ve been duped by Q-Anon conspiracies and smear campaigns. I kinda need to answer that in some way –

I really don’t have disdain for Joe Biden, at least not as he is now. How can you when he clearly is not in control of his faculties. The revulsion within me is towards, not even the Democratic Party, but at whatever forces are controlling their actions.

Think back – –

Bernie Sanders, regardless of his policies, developed a solid following of idealistic young people. He was posed to present a significant challenge to conservatives in 2016 — BUT, “they” wanted Hillary and manipulated the system and pushed him out.

Hillary LOST. “They” could not accept this any more than they could accept a Sanders candidacy. Hence the 4 years of “Nasty” resistance at any cost ending with an unwarranted impeachment attempt – you know the thing.

In this election cycle the tactics are even more desperate. Of the plethora of candidates put forward, including some capable thinkers like Yang, Gabbard, and once again Sanders, Democrats were forced to say, “Oh well, Biden I guess.”

Ask yourself why.

Why would “They” push out (and they did when Warren refused to drop out before Super Tuesday even tho most others did and she had no chance) Sanders and prop up this feeble minded HAS BEEN?

Anybody? I’ll wait—

Just as “They” didn’t expect Hillary to loose, “they” are panicked that Trump will defy their odds and win – AGAIN.

I HOPE HE DOES. I pray he does, because the information “they” have been suppressing is repulsive, immoral, and embarrassing to me as an American.

You don’t have to delve into conspiracies to find out why. You just have to look past


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